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The Ultimate Showcase

Register Online

Saturday November 23 - Sunday November 24

Held at Liberty Hill Senior Field

1400 Loop 332 Liberty Hill, TX

Are you Ready?  Make it Happen!



Open to all High School Players



Regularly  $225

Discounts for Full Teams


MLB Scouts Players, College Scouts & Independent Professionals in Attendance

Autographs will be available


INCLUDES: Video Highlights & Analytics of Showcase

PLUS 2 Games

event highlights

  • Recording video and analytics of each player from this date will be available with purchase of the wer athletic verified scouting profile ($250)

  • soto gloves, sr bats and wer athletic apparel will be present for custom building of wer gloves, wer bats and wer apparel.

  • Prices of ths showcase, future showcases for 2020 and verified scouting profiles will be at these prices from today through 11/23 after which these prices will require an annual membership to the wer athletic site or a base price will have to be paid ($225- showcases and $350- verified scouting profile)


Cancellation and Refund

WeR Athletic offers a cancellation policy that allows the participant to use the funds toward a future showcase. The amount of the funds to be transferred to a future showcase depends on the date of the cancellation by the participant. 

Date of Cancellation Percent Allowed to Transfer to Future Showcase


30+ days from date of showcase 100%

15-30 days from date of showcase 75%

14 or less days from date of showcase 50%

No communication of cancellation/No Show 0%


To officially cancel a player from a showcase, please email and provide the player's full name and the camp date to be cancelled. The date of the email will be the official date of cancellation in determining the percentage of the refund to be transferred to a future showcase. Once the email is received, a return email will be sent from a representative stating the percent of refund the participant qualifies for. The refund can be used toward any showcase one year from date of issuance.

If a showcase is cancelled for any reason other than a natural disaster or weather, a full 100% refund will be given to all participants less any expenses WeR Athletic already incurred. All participants will have the option to receive their initial registration fee or credit that registration fee toward a future showcase.



WeR Athletic will make a valiant effort to provide the best possible showcase when weather interferes.We will make an informed decision 72 hours prior to the date of the showcase concerning weather. Our options will be:

  1. Continue with original itinerary for showcase

  2. Modify original itinerary to provide the best possible showcase. The change in itinerary will be focused around the safety of our participants and staff. The updated itinerary will be emailed to all participants.

  3. Cancel the showcase

If the showcase is cancelled due to weather, all participants will receive a 100% credit for a future showcase. The credit can be used toward any showcase one year from date of issuance.

Enter Your Contact Information
Enter Your School Information
Player Specs
Terms & 

I understand and agree that my name will be listed on this website as a registered attendee for the event or events I have selected.

I certify that I am at least 18 years old, or that I am registering with parent approval.

I have read, understood and agree with the terms and conditions of the weather and refund policies, and the showcase release waiver.

Send me offers  & uddates

You will recieve a SUCCESS confirmation.  Otherwise check back for errors above.

SUCCESS!  Your content has been submitted.  PAY NOW to secure your player's spot.

Trouble Shooting

Did you click submit but nothing happened?

Try these:

1. Scroll up and ensure no boxes are now outined in RED.  If so, correct that entry and try to submit again.

2. Clear your cookies and cache from your browser history and then try to submit again.

3. Use Chrome browser if available to you and try to enter info and submit.


If none of these work for you, please TEXT Coach James so he can get your information manually entered. 512-680-5645

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